weblogUpdates.ping Taneak Jang, Rejang Land, Tanah Rejang http://rejang-lebong.blogspot.com Taneak Jang, Rejang land, Tanah Rejang: The Gung Klintang, Music Instrument for Sacred Kejai Dance

The Gung Klintang, Music Instrument for Sacred Kejai Dance


The Rules, Gung Klintang is Music Instrument for Sacred Kejai Dance. Gung Klintang set consist of one gung (Gong in bahasa/java) and five klintang (small gung).

Based on Rejang anchestor, gung klintang is very importan in function to arrange Kejai Dance. Due, before the event begin, the rule must be to do Ritual Temuun Gung Klintang ceremoney or broad down Gung Klintang Ritual procession that we say in english.

Gung Klintang Set

For today, music beat gung klintang to accompanied Kejai dance was made BMA (badan musyawara adat) agreement of rejang-lebong regency a few years ago, must be acoompanied by one of seven beat/rythm below, or combine from the seven beat/rythm in BMA agrement.

One set Klintang consist of five Klintang

The beat/rithm base on song :
  1. Ombak laut
  2. Tupai Melompat
  3. Siamang Balik Bukit
  4. Percang Naik Tebing
  5. Kumbang Mengharap Bunga
  6. Burung Klating
  7. Diwo Menimbang Anak

The Gung

Gung Klintang, the Music Kejai Dance Rule

Photo by Curup Kami
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