weblogUpdates.ping Taneak Jang, Rejang Land, Tanah Rejang http://rejang-lebong.blogspot.com Taneak Jang, Rejang land, Tanah Rejang: Bride Gown with Typical Rejang Bengkulu - Indonesia Tradition

Bride Gown with Typical Rejang Bengkulu - Indonesia Tradition


Marriage becomes meaningful moment in my life, hence the preparation of the A to Z wedding needs became an important agenda. Wedding dresses should be ordered anything from 9 to 10 months before the day of implementation.
When choosing a wedding dress, but refers to the concept of marriage, should also make you comfortable and feel special when wearing it. No exception to the traditional wedding clothes, like the Sumatra region, known ribet. But you do not need to worry, because the fashion designer who specializes in traditional wedding clothes are more and more.
Ba'es, Bengkulu language which means beautiful, is the brand brought the newcomer designer Mulyadi. Mulyadi Ba'es by providing fresh penawaranan with a thick dress Bengkulu typical tradition with modern kebaya applications. And this is characteristic of the man who claimed self-taught learning in the world with a penchant for fashion, especially the wedding dress.
In the first fashion show at the Grand Wedding Expo 2010 at Jakarta Convention Center last weekend, Mulyadi Ba'es by the various choices fashion show bride and groom are summarized in the theme of "Touch of Bengkulu".

Wedding dress became the scene of interest Female Kompas on Saturday afternoon (30/1/2010) it. According to Compass Female Mulyadi end fashion shows, she mempadupadankan typical Victorian Europe with distinctive traditions cloth Rejang Lebong tribe, place of origin man who started his career in the fashion industry since 2006.

Cain Rejang Lebong tribe was named Besurek cloth or fabric in the Indonesian language marked. This fabric pattern design is to resemble graffiti and Arabic calligraphy Raflesia flowers. In the ancient tradition of tribal Rejang Lebong, this fabric used for traditional clothing, headgear, and cloth body bier.

Mulyadi concern would lack the tradition of love of values, especially the unique fabric of Bengkulu, creating fresh opportunities for him to campaign through Besurek cloth dress.
"Cain Bengkulu typically applied with a modern kebaya made wedding dresses still have value without forgetting the tradition of recent trends,"

Reference :
  • Kompas daily news
  • Weddingblend blog


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