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Enggano in the spotlight


In the series "Collections in the spotlight 'brings the National Museum of Ethnology remarkable collections for the spotlight. This time, the attention to a special collection of items from the Indonesian island of Enggano.

Enggano lies southwest of Sumatra. Contacts with westerners were incidental. Only in the course of the 19th century, knowledge about the local culture slowly. The first serious researcher was the German Baron von Rosenberg, the island as a scientific officer in 1852 visited. He collected everyday and ritual objects in museums in Jakarta, Leiden and Darmstadt landed.

The Engganese language was in the thirties of the last century described by Hans Kahler, a German linguist. When the present curator, Pieter ter Keurs, Enggano visited in 1994, he was received with the remark: "Wow, you're Mr. Hans Kahler since the first white man who wants to stay longer!"
The objects in this exhibition on Enggano are often very un-Indonesian shape. The figures on women hats for example, do much to think Polynesian figures.

Credit :
Rijsmuseum voor volkenkunde - 18 februari t/m 28 augustus 2005


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