weblogUpdates.ping Taneak Jang, Rejang Land, Tanah Rejang http://rejang-lebong.blogspot.com Taneak Jang, Rejang land, Tanah Rejang: Antique Water Jug & Lid from Pagar Alam, South Sumatra Highland, Indonesia

Antique Water Jug & Lid from Pagar Alam, South Sumatra Highland, Indonesia


Ketel Antik dari Kota Pagar Alam, Sumatra Selatan
(Wereld Museum Collection, Rotterdam, Netherland)

The antique material from Wereld Museum, c0llect from Pagar Alam, South Sumatra highland, Indonesia. Thats place now be controversi as rises Sriwijaya Kingdom by many historian.

This material collect by Dutch men when they colonism at this area in long time ago. There is no explanation what culture owner origin, but I believe that must be Passumah or Rejang Culture, or both of them.

Rejang Land Pal

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