In the middle of domination fashion trend of bright colors, Ian Adrian comes with a different concept of clothing.
White with black accents in a choice collection themed 'Rejang Glimpse' is inspired from the sunlight entering through the midst Rejang area custom homes (Old Rejangese traditional house), Rejang Land, Part of Bengkulu Province recently, Sumatra, Indonesia.
White with black accents in a choice collection themed 'Rejang Glimpse' is inspired from the sunlight entering through the midst Rejang area custom homes (Old Rejangese traditional house), Rejang Land, Part of Bengkulu Province recently, Sumatra, Indonesia.
White color is selected to show the effect of women's feminine, modern and free spirited.
Crystal detail, payet, manik stitches and variations such as smok, opnesel and beautify plisket clothing with a unique cutting.
Crystal detail, payet, manik stitches and variations such as smok, opnesel and beautify plisket clothing with a unique cutting.
The collection is dominated soft materials such as cut silk chiffon combined with cotton, silk tulle and organdy in a single design. Overall, this design looks clean, but the rich stress.
Ian also added a corsage, displaying the time this not only as accessories, but the view from the clothing itself.

Ian Adrian
Nice post!
Now a days lot of designs have arrived in to men & womens fashion style. But one of the key items every men & woman should have is a pair of jeans that flatters your figure and can be dressed up or down.
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