This diurnal Zygaenid moth, Pompelon marginata has electric blue wings covering red underpart that shows proudly only when it flies. This signals its toxicity - it is a cyanogenic moth - manufacturing and storing the respiratory toxin hydrogen cyanide. Caterpillars of Zygaenid moths feed on cyanide containing plants and then went on to manufacture more on their own, exuding them in form of a yellow brown liquid form along its body when disturbed. Many species carry this toxin to their adulthood.
Fisrt time discribe as Pompelon marginata (Guerin, 1843), and than discribe subspecies found at south west sumatra (Rejang land present at south west sumatra) as Pompelon marginata glenum (Jordan 1907)
Fisrt time discribe as Pompelon marginata (Guerin, 1843), and than discribe subspecies found at south west sumatra (Rejang land present at south west sumatra) as Pompelon marginata glenum (Jordan 1907)
G.M. Tarmann (A revision of Australian Zygaenidae) mentioned an interesting account in 1959 whereby a lady named Miriam Rothschild exposed 2 drops of such brown liquid on an open needle wound on her forearm. This liquid was obtained from a Burnet Moth, a relative from the temperate climate. This is what he said: "Almost immediately, sensations of breathlessness occured, associated with sweating and rapid pulse rate that increased to 120-130 beats per minute." The symptom persisted for several hours.
Taxonomy :
- Regnum: Animalia
- Phylum: Arthropoda
- Classis: Insecta
- Divisio: Neoptera
- Ordo: Lepidoptera
- Subordo: Glossata
- Infraordo: Heteroneura
- Divisio: Ditrysia
- Section: Tineina
- Subsection: Sesiina
- Superfamilia: Zygaenoidea
- Familia: Zygaenidae
- Subfamilia: Chalcosiinae
- Genus: Pompelon
- Species: Pompelon marginata Guérin-Meneville 1843
- Subspecies : Pompelon marginata Glenum (Jordan 1907)

Credit Photo : Cucu Yudhistira & Romi Widodo,
Location : Kampung Jawa, Curup, Rejang land, Sumatra, Indonesia
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