This is photo specimen from wild forets Amomum compactum Solander ex Maton, taken from rejang land, sumatra highland, Indonesia.
Amomum is part of ginger and have many species, and now we have evidence this species not only native from java but also native in sumatra island.

Taxon: Amomum compactum Sol. ex Maton
Genus: Amomum
Family: Zingiberaceae
subfamily: Alpinioideae
tribe: Alpinieae.
Nomen number: 101007
Place of publication: Trans. Linn. Soc. London 10:251. 1811
Name verified on: 05-Nov-1985 by ARS Systematic Botanists

Economic importance:
- Food additives: flavoring (like cardamom fide Pl Book)
- Environmental: ornamental (fide Dict Gard)
- Medicines: folklore (fide CRC MedHerbs ed2; Herbs Commerce ed2)

Distributional range:
Malesia: Indonesia - sumatra, java
(=) Amomum kepulaga Sprague & BurkillCredit :
- Indentification photo confirm by Jane Droop
- Photo by Arga Yudha
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