weblogUpdates.ping Taneak Jang, Rejang Land, Tanah Rejang http://rejang-lebong.blogspot.com Taneak Jang, Rejang land, Tanah Rejang: Dendrobium Truncatum

Dendrobium Truncatum


One again from many wild orchid origin from rejang land wild forest is Dendrobium Truncatum. Photo wild orchid Dendrobium truncatum below taken in Curup Town, Rejang lebong regency, Bengkulu province, south west sumatra highland, Indonesia by my friend Arga.

Common Name The Truncate Dendrobium

Flower Size .4" [1 cm]

Found in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Borneo, Java, Sumatra and Sabah Borneo in dense lowland and lower montane forests at elevations of sea level to 1800 meters as a small sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte with slender, apically elongate, occasionally branched, flattened and basally swollen cane-like stems with one to two internodes that become warty with age and carrying many, hooked, narrowly linear leaves that blooms in the late spring on successive, short, single flowered inflorescence arising on a mature cane towards the apex and have short lived fragrant flowers.

Synonyms Aporum truncatum (Lindl.) Brieger 1981; Callista clavipes [Hkr.f] Kuntze 1891; Callista truncata [Lindl] Kuntze 1891; Ceraia truncata (Lindl.) M.A.Clem. 2003; Dendrobium clavipes Hook. f. 1890; Ophrys pubescens Reinw. ex Lindl. 1859

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Credit photo by:
Curup Kami (http://curupkami.blogspot.com)



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