weblogUpdates.ping Taneak Jang, Rejang Land, Tanah Rejang http://rejang-lebong.blogspot.com Taneak Jang, Rejang land, Tanah Rejang: Odontolabis ludekingi ludekingi VOLLENHOVEN, 1861

Odontolabis ludekingi ludekingi VOLLENHOVEN, 1861


Odontolabis ludekingi ludekingi

Odontolabis ludekingi (VOLLENHOVEN, 1861) [Lucanus].

Vollenhoven, 1861:105, pl.5; Parry, 1864:13, pl.2; Leuthner, 1885:460, pl.93-94; Mollenkamp, 1906:170; Van Roon, 1906:271, 276, pl.13; Didier & Séguy, 1952:pl.56; Benesh, 1960:118; Klausnitzer, 1982:43; Lacroix, 1984:152-155, pl.44-45; Bomans, 1990:176; Maes, 1992:26; Kawano, 1992:12; Mizunuma & Nagai, 1994:226, pl.30; Kawano, 1997:454.

Native name:
Katip katip (Rejang language)

A live male specimen of Odontolabis ludekingi ludekingi was captured from Curup town at Rejang land, as you see below.

Odontolabis ludekingi ludekingi, male , capture from Rejang Land.

Odontolabis ludekingi ssp. ludekingi (VOLLENHOVEN, 1861) [Lucanus].

Malaya = Malacca;

Sumatra* : N. Sumatra Prov. (Dolok Merangir), W. Sumatra Prov. (Padang, Padangpandjang, Fort de Kock, Mt. Singalan), Jambi Prov., Bengkulu Prov. (Tambang Sawah), Lampung Prov., ? (Ajer Mantcior, Bandong-Sijthoff).

ARAYA K. (2000) An account of a visit to European Museums. 2. The lucanid specimens in the van Roon and Siebold collections deposited in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden. Gekkan-Mushi, 350:4-16.

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