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Dictyophora indusiata sp from Rejang land, southern sumatra


Phallus indusiatus sp
A lovely White-Netted Fungus

Dictyophora indusiata is a synonym. Reported habitat at North America and Australia. A few news report have founded in Kerinci Seblat National Park. And now I believe this species still exist at Sumatra highland as you see below. This is evidence the Phallus indusiatus have habitat at rejang land. Rejang Land located at sumatra highland, and small area of rejang land to be part of Kerinci Seblat National Park at borderland. Photo was taken at farm area near Curup Town, Rejang lebong regency, rejang land, bengkulu province, southern sumatra.

This amazing tropical stinkhorn features a long and elaborate "skirt." In North America, it is found in the southern provinces of Mexico; northward it is replaced by the short-skirted Phallus duplicatus. Readers who have seen the Discovery Channel's Planet Earth series may remember the stunning time-lapse photography sequences of Phallus indusiatus rising from the ground, then gracefully extending its net-like skirt.

Phallus indusiatus is "edible," at least in the egg stage--but I don't recommend experimenting.


Ecology: Saprobic; growing alone or gregariously in woods, especially in disturbed-ground areas (ditches, paths, road sides, and so on); also common in urban settings; year-round; distributed in North America from roughly the 24th parallel southward (southern Mexico).

Immature Fruiting Body: Like a whitish brownish or purplish "egg"; when sliced revealing the stinkhorn-to-be encased in a gelatinous substance.

Mature Fruiting Body: Spike-like; to 25 cm high; with a "cap" area that is pitted and ridged, and covered with a slimy, olive-brown substance that eventually wears off (or is carried away by flies), leaving a light brown coloring; usually developing a perforation at the top; with a white stem that arises from a white, sacklike volva; with a laced, white to yellow, orange, or pink "skirt" hanging up to 15 cm from the bottom edge of the cap; odor unpleasant or strongly sweet.

Microscopic Features: Spores 2.5-3.5 x 1-1.5 µ; long-elliptical to nearly cylindric.

Dictyophora indusiata is a synonym.

Common name

English: Long net stinkhorn


Kingdom: Fungi (3)

Phylum: Basidiomycota (3)

Class: Basidiomycetes (3)

Order: Phallales (1)

Family: Phallaceae (1)

Genus: Phallus (1)

Epithet: indusiatus Vent. (1)

indusiatus => outer tunic (tunic - dress worn by males in Greco-Roman civilizations)


Climate: tropical

Habitat: mesophytic

Foot note by Michael Kuo and Ron
Photo by Curup Kami
Located Curup Town, Rejang Land
Creator by Tun Jang


Rejang Land Pal

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