weblogUpdates.ping Taneak Jang, Rejang Land, Tanah Rejang http://rejang-lebong.blogspot.com Taneak Jang, Rejang land, Tanah Rejang: Barisan Tree Frog endemic Frog at Kaba Mountain, Rejang Land, Southern Sumatra

Barisan Tree Frog endemic Frog at Kaba Mountain, Rejang Land, Southern Sumatra


Rhacophorus barisani
Barisan Tree Frog

This tree frog was found in Sungai Durian survey site. It inhabited slow movin g water of
stream bank in primary forest. The male were found sitting on vegetation 1-2 meters above deep pool where the stream flowed down. It was rare in Sungai Durian survey site. The type specimens have been collected from Bukit Kaba, Bengkulu, Sumatra and collected at elevations
67 of between 1440 meters asl (Harvey et al., 2002); however in Sungai Durian it was found at
elevation about 1000 meters asl.

R. barisani from Sungai Durian (Photograph by J. Holden).


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