weblogUpdates.ping Taneak Jang, Rejang Land, Tanah Rejang http://rejang-lebong.blogspot.com Taneak Jang, Rejang land, Tanah Rejang: Talang Ulu Oldies House Build at 1926

Talang Ulu Oldies House Build at 1926


Photo by Curup Kami

This is one of an old house in the village of ethnic Rejang at Talang Ulu, Curup eastern subdistrict, Rejang lebong regency in Rejang land. This house is very unique because it has two ladders, a ladder made from wood and one made from the cement. Same as with other oldies houses of rejang people, in the home decorative hanging succulent plants that bear unique feel of Rejang Land







Two Lion. Wood engraving above each door that is located on the left and right of front side house.

Wood carving above the windows

Fence of the veranda

The other detail

the succulent species have been arrived in Rejang land since long long time ago

The unique metode to painted the door


Rejang Land Pal

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