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Prehistory Sub-Province of Kepahiang (Kepahiang part of rejang land)


Prehistory Sub-Province of Kepahiang


Epoch Struggle fight against Dutch colonial become history eyewitness start recognizing of name of Kepahiang. During the period, Town of Kepahiang known as capital of regency of Rejang Lebong, so-called Afdeling Rejang Lebong capital of Kepahiang. Momentary after switchover of power of colonization of Dutch to Japan, till later;then Japan colonize nation 3,5 years, town of Kepahiang remain to represent governance center to Sub-Province of Rejang Lebong. Even, after proclamation independence of Republic Of Indonesia, namely since 18 agustus 1945 till 1948, kepahiang remain to be capital of regency of Rejang Lebong at the same time as struggle town bases. Because, strarting from civil government and entire/all strength of struggle, what consist of Soldier People, Body Resistance of People ( BPR and of TKR which later;then as cikal will TNI), altogether center in Kepahiang. end 1948, representing a period to unlikely can be forgotten by society of Kepahiang. Because in the year that's, specially before second Military Dutch aggression, entire vital facility town of Kepahiang was burnt down. Started from Office Regent, Building Area, Policeoffice, Post and phone office, Prison and also bridge to connect Town of Kepahiang with its other places, perforced to be burned, utilize to anticipate military incursion movement of famous Dutch colonial of currishness step into governance and downtowns and also bases struggle of people. One year later;then, precisely 1949, entire Governmental aparatur of Sub-Province of Rejang Lebong stay in deportation in forests. So that when happened delivery of sovereignty of Government of Indies Dutch to Republic Government Of Indonesia, which by society at that time re-referred to town, happened by emotion which is difficult to be barricaded. Because, Governmental aparatur of Sub-Province of Rejang Lebong cannot again again have its office to town of Kepahiang because entire facility governance of area have burnt down. But, spirit of ebb prohibition them. With strength pickings, and also the spirit of which become militant, entire aparatur governance of area perforced to join with others to Town of Curup, because here still remain a Guesthouse building ( nowadays that historic place woke up to become Field house of Curup).


At 1956, town of Curup specified as capital of regency of Rejang Lebong pursuant to law. Since then, role of Kepahiang start to fade, may even exist mentioning crown feather in one's cap of Sub-Province of Kepahiang ebb. Because, with stipulating of Curup as capital of regency of Rejang Lebong, hence town of Kepahiang alone specified as capital of district, part of Sub-Province region of Rejang Lebong. At a period of is next, cause have high historical value, a number of elite figure of Kepahiang, have fought for Kepahiang become capital of Provinsi and Administrative Town. Unhappily, struggle of the glory aground midway cause central government of desire response and society aspiration do not be.


When Reform era began at 1998, its chasm even also have time to sesomnate to earth of Kepahiang. By society of Kepahiang, this momentum represent opportunity of gold fight for again evocation at the same time early independence of Kepahiang. wide Open Situation becoming, after and government of DPR RI bear Code Number product 22 Year 1999 about Governance of Area, what inveterate also conceived by code about area autonomy. After phase equation of consolidation and perception, hence society of Kepahiang agree for recommend of this area become new Sub-Province. Hence, since January 2000, all figure and whole society component of Kepahiang, both for living in Kepahiang alone and also residing in outside area, as in Curup, Bengkulu, Jakarta, Bandung, and also other towns, agreement to return crown of Kepahiangsebagai Sub-Province return. As realization of agreement with elite figure of Kepahiang, hence struggle physique by the name of Committee Preparation Of Sub-Province of Kepahiang ( PPKK). Follow Up of struggle body activity, hence officially PPKK have submitted proposal of Kepahiyang Regency Expansiont hat was filed to :

  1. Regent of Rejang Lebong ;
  2. DPRD Sub-Province of Rejang Lebong ;
  3. Governor of Bengkulu ;
  4. DPRD Provinsi Bengkulu ;
  5. Ministry of Home Affairs Republic Of Indonesia.

However, seemingly struggle bloom Kepahiang become sub-province do not smoothly which expected. Because, though Kepahiang represent first area in Provinsi fighting for expansion at reform era, anyway Sub-Province of Rejang Lebong do not be instantaneous agree aspiration elite figure of kepahiang. Equally, Sub-Province of Rejang Lebong exactly free objection of Kepahiang, because this area represent region most potential in Rejang Lebong. Ebb desire of society of Kepahiang face this fact? Exactly do not. With patience, candid and heartfelt intention, accompanied by lobbys and also intensive diplomacy, finally Sub-Province of Kepahiang success realized. Hence, since then crown of Kepahiang which have " losed" can be retaken. Word supposing, areca have come home to its calyx. That expectation even also later;then change to like goal, when at 7 January 2004, Kepahiang opened as otonomous sub-province by Ministry of Home Affairs of RI ( that moment), Jend. TNI ( Day purn.) of Sabarno in Jakarta. That Opening is confirmed pursuant to Code Number 39 Year 2003, about Forming of Sub-Province of Lebong and Sub-Province of Kepahiang in Provinsi Bengkulu. Showed as first Regional Leader ( Sub-Province caretaker) of Kepahiang is Ir. Hidayatullah Sjahid, MM., specified pursuant to Decree Of The Minister Of Home Affairs Republic Of Indonesia Number 131.28-8 Year 2004, at 6 January 2004, about Lifting Of Caretaker Of Regent of Kepahiang, Provinsi Bengkulu. Appointment of it by xself conducted by Governor of Bengkulu on behalf of Ministry of Home Affairs at 14 January 2004. Up to now, Sub-Province of Kepahiang have been led three Regional leader people, That is :

  1. Ir. Hidayatullah Sjahid, MM., Period 14 January 2004 till 29 April 2005, as Caretaker of Regent of Kepahiang ( caretaker).

  2. Drs. Husni Hasanuddin, period 30 April 2005 till 6 August 2005, as Caretaker of Regent of Kepahiang ( caretaker).
  3. Drs. H. Bando Amen C. Kader of Rio Rajo Dipati Junjung , MM., period 7 August 2005 till 7 August 2010, as regent of Kepahiang definitive pursuant to result of election of Direct Regional Leader ( Direct Pilkada) Kepahiang at 2005.


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