Rafflesia Arnoldi Blooming at Kepahiang Regency, Rejang Land, Bengkulu Province

The Rafflesia arnoldi is the biggest Queen parasite flowers. This parasite mostly have well habitat at many area in rejang Land. In Rejang rafflesia names as Bungei Sekedei.

At february 24th, 2009, my blog author Mr. Musi Ardanis taken photo Rafflesia Arnoldi at conservasi area tropical forest along main road capital city Bengkulu to Kepahiang Regency. he try to show us the Queen of parasite closed to full bloom as you see at photo below :)

Predictable in next two day will be full bloom.

Rafflesia Arnoldi in Kepahiang Regency

The tetrastigma near Rafflesia arnoldi bloom, this is the host of queen parasite
The forest where the Rafflesia arnoldi often bloom in Kepahiang regency


  1. I would love to see one of these, seen pics all over the net but never in real life!

  2. gede amat bunga raflesiannya....
    tapi aku ga tau tuh yang kacang polong....

  3. sahabat, itu bukan buah kacang polong, tapi itu buah dari tumbuhan inang yang dalam bahasa latinnya tetrastigma sp. Jadi Rafflesia itu parasit pada tumbuhan ini.
    Semoga suatu hari kelak bisa berkunjung ke tanah rejang melihat bunga rafflesia arnoldi dan amorphophallus titanum yang asli di sana.


  4. Ryndo Rafflesia PutryMay 22, 2009

    blog na keren bgt,,, Lengkap,

    gag kyak web na pemerintahan BKL... gag selengkap n sebagus ni...

    saLut,,,, keren bgt

    GBU dah
