Spice Finch - Lonchura Punctulata Fretensis - Pipit Pinang

Spice Finch (Lonchura Punculata Fretensis) known as Burung Pipit Pinang in rejang Land. This bird eater grains especially paddy, and a hate by farmers. Life in groups and sometimes perch in coconut trees or pinang trees, but now the number of birds is also increasingly reduced, many people catch this bird for to sale. Image location : Cawang baru village,East Curup district, Rejang lebong regency

Common Names: Spice Finch, Nutmeg Finch

Description: Adult Spice Finches have a nutmeg brown head, back and tail with beautiful scaling on the chest & underbelly. The eyes are a dark brown while the beak and legs are a dark gray. Both sexes look identical and can only be sexed by the male's courtship song. This is one of the hardest species for me to visually sex as the male's song is very soft.

Size: The average size for this species is 5 inches (12.5cm).

Origin: This mannikin originates from Asia, India, Java and parts of the Philippines.

Mutations/Sub-species: There are several know sub species of Spice Finches. The most common being the Topela species.

Sub Speices
Lonchura Punctulata Subundulata
West Burma (darker version of Spice finches)
Lonchura Punculata Topela
South China & India (smaller with less vivid belly scaling)
Lonchura Punculata Cabansis
Philippines (duller brown on the chest)
Lonchura Punculata Fretensis
Malaysia & Sumatra (red-brown coloring on the mask)
Lonchura Punculata Nisoria
Java & Bali (gray colored rump area)
Lonchura Punculata Fortior
Lombok & Sumbawa Islands
Lonchura Punculata Sumbae
Sumba Islands (olive tint to the upper tail coverts)
Lonchura Punculata Blasii
Sunda Islands
Lonchura Punculata Particeps
Celebes Islands

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