Burung Beo Enggano - Gracula enganensis - Myna Enggano bird- adalah burung endemic asli Pulau Enggano

Oleh : Tun Jang
Photo by Zulvan on Flickr

Enggano! Pulau surga burung. Pengrusakan dan illegal logging dikhawatirkan merusak kelestariannya. Pulau Enggano memiliki banyak satwa endemik yang hanya dapat di jumpai di pulau tersebut. Salah satu burung endemik adalah burung dari keluarga beo yaitu beo enggano. Nama ilmianya :
Gracula enganensis (latin)
Enggano Myna (Inggris)

Di dunia hanya ada 5 species burung beo, burung beo enggano adalah salah satunya.

Burung ini mirip dengan burung beo dari Nias tapi tubuhnya lebih kecil.

Enggano Myna

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Sturnidae
Genus: Gracula
Species: G. enganensis
Binomial name
Gracula enganensis
Salvadori, 1899

The Enggano Myna or Enggano Hill Myna (Gracula enganensis) is a member of the starling family. It is an endemic resident of Enggano Island, off southwest Sumatra.


The Enggano Myna is stocky with mainly black plumage. It has bright orange-yellow patches of naked skin and fleshy yellow wattles on the side of its head and nape. At about 27 cm length, it is somewhat smaller than the Indian Hill Myna.

It has overall turquoise-glossed black plumage, purple-tinged on the head and neck. There are large white wing patches which are obvious in flight. The thick bill and strong legs are bright yellow.


The bird is arboreal, and is found mainly along forest edges. Like most starlings, the Enggano Myna is fairly omnivorous, eating fruit, nectar and insects.

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