History : Story of Sir Stamford Raffles' s Family - Riwayat anak anak Sir Stamford Raffles

By Cornelius-Takahama, Vernon written on 1999-11-02
National Library Board Singapore

Sir Stamford Raffles (b. 6 July 1781, off Port Morant, Jamaica - d. 5 July 1826, Middlesex, England) founder of Singapore island, was the son of a ship's master, Captain Benjamin Raffles. Raffles married twice. His first wife was Olivia Mariamne nee Devenis; she bore him no children. After her death, he married Sophia Hull. Of the five children from his second marriage, Ella Sophia alone survived infancy. No progeny survived them.

Sir Stamford Raffles (Lahir pada 6 Juli 1781, tidak jauh dari Port Morant, Jamaika - wafat 5 Juli 1826, Middlesex, Inggris) penemu pulau Singapura, Putra nakhoda kapal, Kapten Benjamin Raffles. Raffles menikah dua kali. Istri pertamanya adalah Olivia Mariamne nee Devenis; dari istri pertamanya ini tidak di karuniai anak. Setelah kematian istri pertama, dia menikahkan Sophia Hull, yang di karuniai 5 orang anak,tapi hanya Ella Sophia seorang diri selamat dalam masa pertumbuhan. Anaknya yang lain meninggal saat balita.


Father: Captain Benjamin Raffles (b. 1739 - d. 1797?) was the ship's master of the Ann which was at the time of Raffles' birth
involved in the lucrative British slave trade centred on the Caribbean. Raffles strongly disagreed with slave trading and would not have seen eye to eye with his father's occupation. However, the senior Captain had incurred great debt despite the profitability in such a trade. By 1782, the Ann was sold off, indicating some measure of losses by the Captain. It is believed the Captain passed away early in young Raffle's life as the family had difficulty in financing for Raffles' education. Captain Raffles had only one other sibling, a half-brother William Raffles through his father Thomas Raffles' second marriage. Thomas Raffles had been a clerk at the Prerogative Office, Doctor's Commons.
Mother: Anne Lyde (d. 1824)

Orang Tua
Ayah: Kapten Benjamin Raffles (Lahir.1739 - wafat.1797?) adalah seorang nakhoda kapal Ann saat Raffles di lahirkan. Saat itu ayahnya terlibat dengan perdangangan budak yang menguntungkan Inggris yang berpusat di Karibia. Raffles sangat tidak setuju dengan pekerjaan ayahnya yang terlibat dengan perdagangan budak, dan tidak mau melihat langsung pekerjaan ayahnya.
Tetapi sayang utang luar biasa Kapten senior menumpuk meskipun ada profitability di perdagangan seperti itu.
Menjelang 1782, Kapal Ann dijual, hal menunjukkan kemunduran ekonomi ayahnya. Di tinggal dalam usia muda oleh ayahnya Raffles hidup di sebagai keluarga miskin dan sulit untuk membiayai pendidikan.Ayah Raffles hanya mempunyai satu orang saudara kandung, William Raffles yaitu dari perkawinan ayahnya yang ke dua, kakek raffles ini bernama bernama Thomas Raffles.
Thomas Raffles adalah seorang juru tulis di Kantor Hak Istimewa, Dokter 's Commons.
Ibu: Anne Lyde (D.1824)

There is no record of children by his first wife, Olivia Mariamne, although some suggest that she bore him children who died soon after she did. Raffles' second wife, Sophia Hull, according to records, bore him five children as follows:

Anak-anak Raffless:
Tidak ada catatan sejarah anak raffles dari istri pertamanya, Olivia Mariamne, walaupun beberapa berpendapat dia melahirkan anak yang kemudian, meninggal segera setelah di lahirkan.Istri kedua Raffless, Sophia Hull, menurut catatan sejarah, melahirkannya lima orang anak sebagai berikut:

(1) Charlotte (b. 15 February 1818 - d. 14 January 1822, Bencoolen) born at sea on the journey to England from Bencoolen but died before reaching the age of four, succumbing to same illness that had taken her younger brother only 10 days earlier. She seemed to have gained the name of his last possible patron, the Duchess of Somerset, Charlotte. Although an elderly woman, Raffles seemed smitten by the Duchess according to Pearson and had written endless notes on his voyage out to Bencoolen. The journey on the Lady Raffles would be the last that Raffles would have contact with Duchess Charlotte as she died soon after. The Javanese prince Raden named the child a local name - Tunjung Segera, translated as "Lotus of the Sea" or "Lily of the Ocean". She was supposedly a gifted child who at the age of 3 could speak English, Malay and Hindustani, translating one language into another.

(2) Leopold Stamford (b. 12 March 1819, Penang - d. 4 July 1821, Bencoolen) died at aged 2 yrs 4 mths from possible case of cholera.

(3) Stamford Marsden (b. 25 May 1820, Bencoolen - d. 3 January 1822, Bencoolen) nicknamed "Marco Polo", died aged 1 yr 7 mths of enteritis

(4) Ella Sophia (b. 27 May 1821, Bencoolen - d. 5 May 1840, England). She returned to England in March 1822 with nurse Mary Grimes, Raffles having lost all their surviving children then. However, Ella too died tragically, on the eve of her marriage to John Sumner, eldest son of the Bishop of Winchester.

(5) Flora Nightingall (b. 19 September 1823, Bencoolen - d. 28 November 1823, Bencoolen) died at aged two months.

Of the five children, Ella Sophia alone survived infancy but died close to her 19th birthday. Sir Stamford Raffles died on 5 July 1826, the day before his 45th birthday. Lady Sophia died on 12 December 1858, aged 72 in England.

(1) Charlotte (lahir.15 Februari 1818 - wafat.14 Januari 1822, Bencoolen) lahir di lautan saat perjalanan dari Inggris ke Bencoolen tetapi meninggal sebelum berumur empat tahun, yang mungkin tertular penyakit dari adiknya, adik Charlotte terserang penyakit 10 hari sebelumnya
Raffless telah mempersiapkan nama bangsawan untuk puterinya sebelum dia kehilangan anaknya yaitu Puteri Somerset, Charlotte.Walau sebagai wanita tua tertua,Pearson melihat Raffles nampak dihantam kesedihan yang tak habis habisnya,itu yang nampak dari catatan yang tak habis-habisnya di tulisnya saat penjelajahannya ke Bencoolen.Perjalanan Raffles dengan kapal Lady Raffles adalah kontak terakhir Raffles dengan puterinya Charlotte sebelum puterinya meninggal. Seorang Pangeran dari Jawa bernama Raden memberikan nama lokal - Tunjung Segera, yang diterjemahkan sebagai "Seroja Laut" Lotus of Sea" atau "Bakung Lautan" "Lily of the ocean". Menurut dugaan Charlotte seorang anak berbakat yang saat berumur 3 tahun bisa berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris, bahasa Malayu dan Hindustani, menterjemahkan satu bahasa ke dalam lain.

(2) Leopold Stamford (Lahir.12 Maret 1819, Pinang - Wafat.4 Juli 1821, Bencoolen) meninggal di usia 2 tahun 4 bulan kemungkinan kasus kolera.

(3) Stamford Marsden (Lahir.25 Mei 1820, Bencoolen - Wafat.3 Januari 1822, Bencoolen) diberi nama panggilan "Marco Polo", meninggal di usia 1 tahun 7 bulan karena radang usus (enteritis).

(4) Ella Sophia (Lahir.27 Mei 1821, Bencoolen - Wafat.5 Mei 1840, Inggris).
Ella kembali ke Inggris pada bulan Maret 1822 dengan jururawat Mary Grimes, Sebelumnya Raffles telah kehilangan anak anaknya. Dan kini Ella kembali ke Ingris. Tetapi, Ella juga meninggal dengan tragis, pada malam perkawinannya dengan John Sumner, anak sulung Uskup Winchester.

(5) Flora Nightingall (Lahir.19 September 1823, Bencoolen - Wafat.28 November 1823, Bencoolen) meninggal di usia dua bulan.

Dari lima orang anak itu, hanya Ella Sophia seorang diri selamat dalam masa pertumbuhan tetapi meninggal saat menjelang hari ulang tahun hari ulang tahunnya yang ke 19. Sir Stamford Raffles meninggal pada 5 Juli 1826, hari sehari sebelum hari ulang tahun ke 45nya. Lady Sophia meninggal pada 12 Desember 1858, di usia 72 di Inggris.

Vernon Cornelius

Pearson, H. F. (1957). This other India: A biography of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (pp. 61-63). Singapore: Eastern Universities Press
(Call no.: RCLOS 923 RAF)

Raffles, S. (1991). Memoir of the life and public services of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (p. 449-450, 461, 506, 564). Singapore: Oxford University Press.
(Call no. : RSING 959.57021092 RAF)

Sheppard, M. (Ed.). (1973). Singapore: 150th anniversary of the founding of Singapore (p. 91). Singapore: Times Printers.
(Call no.: RSING 959.57 SIN)

Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles: Book of days (pp. 23-27, 59-75, 111, 123, 126, 157, 181). (1993). Singapore: Antiques of the Orient.
(Call no.: SING 959.57021092 SIR)

Wurtzburg, C. E. (1984). Raffles of the eastern isles (p. 15 - 17, Appendix V). Singapore : Oxford University Press.
(Call no.: SING 959.570210924 RAF)

The information in this article is valid as at 1999 and correct as far as we can ascertain from our sources. It is not intended to be an exhaustive or complete history of the subject. Please contact the library for further reading materials on the topic.

Personalities>>Biographies>>Colonial Administrators
Colonial administrators--Singapore
History>>Asia>>Southeast Asia>>Singapore

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